Sunday, March 1, 2009


No big news in my life right now, just some bits and pieces...

1) Wii Fit and I are still bff's. I am doing it pretty regularly (I've skipped 4 days in a row a couple of times and got scolded). I know it is not the key to truly getting fit, but it is motivating me to do more than sit on the couch right now, so it's good. Two lbs. down, a gazillion to go.

2) Scoutsuck continues. Must find a way to step down from one of my responsibilities with the Pack.

3) Still liking my new job. I have come home pretty grouchy on several occasions, but I know why and I think it will continue to get better. While I was miserable with my old job, I knew what I knew, knew what I didn't know, and just plodded along getting the job done as best I could*. I felt like I was doing a good job, for the situation I was in, with virtually no guidance or mentorship. With the new job, I frequently run into things I just don't get, and it makes me feel stupid. I'm not used to that feeling, at least not at work. Frustrating, but I am catching on and in a few months I am sure I will feel much more comfortable with it. I have a strong need to believe I am adding value, and I'm not there yet.

* Is it my imagination, or has this phrase changed recently, from "as best I could" to "as best as I could"? I seem to be hearing the latter frequently, and I really could swear that it did not used to be that way. Should that second "as" really be there? I don't think so, but I could be wrong. Really, help me out folks, cuz it's one of the little things that drive me crazy (and I know my readers, all 3 of you, are wordsmiths).

4) Pinky and Curly are winding down a month of indoor swim lessons. Pinky? No worries, he likes to swim and is learning flip turns, although there is some other term for them that I was not familiar with and which escapes me at the moment. Curly? Ahh, Curly. Have you ever had a kid get kicked out of swim class? We almost did. Even got a call from the pool manager one day. However, we took him swimming the weekend after "the incident" (Curly being pulled screaming and kicking from the pool by Velo-dude, during class), and after lots of coaxing, cajoling, whining, balking, etc on all of our parts, I simply said, "okay, I'm going to the whirlpool. If you try the float you can come with me". He did it, no problem. Then he grabbed a kickboard and started using it properly, head in blow bubbles, head out breathe, kicking all the while. WTF? The kid knows how to do it all, he just refuses to do it unless he's darn good and ready. He does have a pretty hefty fear, but he knows what to do. So, last week went better. Took him today and he was having an off day again. We'll see if he makes it through his last 2 classes this week. Not passes the class, mind you. We already know that won't happen. But makes it through without another incident? THAT will be a success.

5) To my 2-3 readers...some bumpy times going on there. I hope things get better for all of you, soon. Rowan? Please tell me things are better than last week. If they are not, might have to jump in my car and come see what I can do to help. Really. I will. Laggin? We need to do lunch, or an evening with adult refreshments. Dibs/Moving Mom? I'm checking daily for updates on your site. Yikeys, I know my turn will come with the heavy stuff, but for now all I can do is let you all know I'm here if you need me!

6) I still have no time for Facebook.


Leslie said...

I truly don't know on the grammar thing. But I like you, don't like the second "as".

Curly and swimming sounds like Eldest and shots. Cerebrally, they get how to do it and that they'll be ok. But there is a gut level fear that interferes with behaving in line with their brain. Does that sound familiar? Unfortunately, I just recognize it, I don't have an actual solution!

Dibs said...

Ah, the joys of a child who marches to his/her own drummer. Remember, I'm the mother of the child who went toe-to-toe with a meanie principal and an old bat first grade teacher for an entire year. And, all the while, I was friends with other mommies from the class whose girls kept their hair-bows in and their knee socks pulled up. However, we have interesting lives.

Come to think of it, isn't there a Chinese curse involving an interesting life? Can't remember. Sounds like, in your case, a scouting curse is more like it :-)