Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today: New boss, new job, same company. Very excited. A little nervous. Change of course brings anxiety, but should be all good in the long run.

Did I mention I love(d) David Bowie?


Seriously said...

Wait, what?????

more 'splaining please. promotion, or bigger, or just different?

If this boss asks what you are listening to - hand him/her your iPod.


Leslie said...

Your love is present tense!!

He's playing in KC soon isn't he...or did I already miss it?

And CONGRATS!!! Can we do a "Yeah you" lunch?

mathgeek said...

rowan--made me laugh! She is way cool, and I don't think I will pull a move like that on her.

It is just different, different dept with different duties, although I am bringing along some of my old ones. A bit of a restructuring, that I feel like I benefitted from. Will have colleagues and mentors, no more isolation, and chances of grow are better over there.

laggin--YES! Um, in your spare time, right?