Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Great day for the nation, so-so for me

I wasn't able to enjoy any of this historical day. I am in full stress/panic at work as the month winds down and I wonder how I am going to get everything done. My friend L went to her daughter's elementary school as she does every Tuesday to eat lunch with her, and got to see the tail end of some coverage on tv in the classroom. She said the kids were really excited and into it (3rd grade), belting out the National Anthem and all. How cool would that have been. Pinky and Curly seemed pretty excited that they got to watch too. I hope that just a little bit, they "got it", rather than viewing it as merely an opportunity to watch tv at school. I didn't get an opportunity to have a good talk with them about it though. I got home from work and it was time to take off. We dropped Curly off at my friend's house, and Pinky and I, my friend and her 4th grade boy went to the memorial service for the boy who killed himself last week. I think I actually had some unrealistic notion that because they called it a "celebration of life", somehow it was not going to be as sad as it was. But of course it was horribly sad. I have written, erased, rewritten, and re-erased more thoughts on this, but I think I just need to stop. Think I'll go look for some coverage on the day's events, and try to bring some optimism back into my little world.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

*big huge hug*

Sorry this time sucks so much.