Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanks...I think.

The thank you goes to laggin, for my blogger award(s?). I think I have done, maybe, 4 posts altogether? And I get an award? This was clearly just a thinly veiled attempt to get me to blog more than once a week. Sigh, never satisfied, that one!

Nonetheless, I will fulfill my obligation and report on 6 things that make me happy right now...

1. Margaritas

2. A good bottle of Malbec

3. Dove dark chocolate Promises

4. Hmm, something that I don't eat or drink? Fine. Feeling needed (Curly & Pinky are good at that. Too good.).

5. Snuggling with my dogs. Especially small brown one, on my bed (okay that last part was just to see if velo-dude is reading).

6. Losing lbs. Which obviously doesn't happen often, due to #1-3 above.

And now to pass the award on? Oh my, I guess I should have thought about that before I started this post. Two choices pop into head...Rowan and velo-dude. I'd like to give it to velo-dude, as I am hooked on his blog. It's the only way I get to see pictures of my kids, since I am one of those lame moms incapable of organizing photos. And his bike racing musings & rantings are interesting. But, he doesn't quite buy into the stay-anonymous-in-case-you-say-something-you-shouldn't-say kind of thing. I know, if I really wanted to be anonymous I would have to try harder, but at least I leave names out of it. So Rowan would be my other first and natural choice, because I faithfully go there every day. I love her brutal honesty. And her pictures. Especially when they are especially for me.


Leslie said...

Nah, you don't have to blog more than you do! I just wanted to encourage you to stay here. And no link to Velo? Sigh. I want to read!!!!!

mathgeek said...

Okay laggin, I am putting him on my sidebar.