to judge a book by its cover. Or, more to the point, a wine by its bottle. I bought this beauty a few months ago, and actually said out loud as I picked it out that it was okay if it wasn't great, because I absolutely loved the bottle. I can be superficial that way. In this case, it wasn't a bad choice. Pretty light and tasty summer wine, as long as it's drunk very cold. Now I need to decide what to do with my beautiful bottle.
Pinky went on another scout campout this weekend. Boating, with tubing, plus a sailboat lesson. Had a great time - he has never had a chance to do anything like this before. I was with a mom friend yesterday whose son had called her that morning from the camping trip, just because he missed her. Would Pinky ever do that? Heck no, not unless something were seriously wrong. Part of me was envious, but the more rational part recognizes it's a good thing that he goes and has such a great time that he doesn't miss us. He still wants to come home and have a quick snuggle and tell us all about it. That part I don't want to change. Ever.
Meanwhile Curly and I had a nice weekend together, while velodude racked up some miles on the bicycle. Cub scouts had a great visit to a WWII air museum, very hands on, boys even got to get up and move some of the controls in one of the planes. Later yesterday, I asked him to pick out a board game he wanted to play, and he chose one that we had brought home from my father's house last summer. The Magnificent Race. It never became a classic, but I have fond memories of playing it with my folks. It's mostly luck, not strategy, which is good for Curly at this point, because he beat the living daylights out of me without my having to throw it, which I really don't like to do unless he's really feeling low. He was so excited about the game that he forced Pinky to play tonight, in his sleep-deprived delirium. Pinky won, but happily, Curly was not frustrated by this. It's so nice when they get along.
In other news -the stuff that is consuming us right now (emotionally & monetarily?)- the drywallers should be done sanding our family room on Tuesday. Then we get to clean up the mess, prime & paint, and lay a new floor, which we purchased on Saturday, ka-ching! All because of a stupid flood caused by the city's inadequate rain runoff ditch system adjacent to our backyard. Ah yes, my other new hobby, pestering the city every time it rains. Confused? Velodude's been blogging about it, but the beginning of the saga goes way back to mid June.