This could be my undoing. My big vice. My crack cocaine. Okay, never done crack and never will, but in terms of highly addictive substances, this is it for me right now. Velo-dude came home from 'cross nats raving about it in December. One of his cycling buddies had returned from Belgium with a supply for everyone to try at the house they stayed at. A spread that tastes like graham crackers, he said. Friend went back to Belgium for 'cross worlds in January, and came back with an entire jar for velo-dude, his very own. Well, his very own, until he let mathgeek try it. I am in love. Velo-dude, please get it out of my sight. Every time I'm near the kitchen, I hear it calling me. Begging me to take another little scoop. And another. And another...
Speculoos is apparently a yummy little wafer-like spice cookie that's popular over there, and someone had the genius idea to take it and turn it into a buttery spread. And I can't even read the label to know how bad it is for me. How perfect is that? I am tempted to try to figure out how to get my hands on more, but I am going to try to resist the urge. But the crack, it is powerful stuff, I hear.