Thursday, February 12, 2009

belated birthday present

Last night, out of the blue, Pinky walked downstairs and presented me with a Wii Fit, the one and only thing I requested for my birthday (yes, that was over a month ago). Velo-dude has been stopping by a Target near his place of employment on and on for over a month, and finally scored one. I got myself set up last night, a little mortifying but I'm okay I guess, gives me motivation to make some progress. My Fit Age (or whatever it was my new bff called it) was 46, 2 years older than my real age. Okay, not great but not terrible. Pinky is apparenty 15 years old (he's 9, folks) and Curly, who had some major trouble with the balance test, came in at the ripe old age of 23 (he's 6). Here's the kicker though. Velo-dude, who happens to be 5 years older than me, came in at 11 years younger than me. He sucks. My new bff sucks. Being old and out of shape sucks. Motivation, motivation.

I have apparently gotten over my anger, because one night after getting it, I am hooked. Let's hope this love affair lasts.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Scouting also appears to be sucking the good taste out of me. I am sorry to laggin and anyone else who may have viewed my purple and green nightmare of the past two days. This isn't flashy but I had to get that color scheme off in a hurry.